
Scientific publications

Varga-Szilay, Z., Szovenyi, G., & Pozsgai, G. (2024). Flower visitation through the lens: Exploring the foraging behaviour of Bombus terrestris with a computer vision-based application. Insects, 15(9), 729.
Varga-Szilay, Z., Barsevskis, A., Benedek, K., Bevk, D., Jojczyk, A., Kristin, A., Ruzickova, J., Jelaska, L. S., Veromann, E., Vilumets, S., Fetyko, K., Szovenyi, G., & Pozsgai, G. (2024). Improving biodiversity in Central and Eastern European domestic gardens needs regionally scaled strategies.
Varga-Szilay, Z., Fetyko, K. G., Szovenyi, G., & Pozsgai, G. (2024). Bridging biodiversity and gardening: Unravelling the interplay of socio-demographic factors, garden practices, and garden characteristics. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 97(128367).
Boieiro, M., Leite, A., Rego, C., Varga-Szilay, Z., & Borges, P. A. V. (2023). Two alien insect species are new records at the family-level to the Azores archipelago (Portugal). BioInvasions Records, 12(2), 535–543.
Varga-Szilay, Z., & Tóth, Z. (2022). Is acetamiprid really not that harmful to bumblebees (Apidae: Bombus spp.)? Apidologie, 53(1), 2.
Varga-Szilay, Z., & Pozsgai, G. (2022). Plant growers’ environmental consciousness may not be enough to mitigate pollinator declines: a questionnaire-based case study in Hungary. Pest Management Science, 79(4), 1284–1294.

Conference participations

Varga-Szilay, Z., Szövényi, G., & Pozsgai, G. (2024). Detecting differences in foraging behaviour of Bombus terrestris on three plant species using computer vision-based methods. Student Conference on Conservation Science (SCCS Europe), Balatonvilágos, Hungary.
Varga-Szilay, Z., Arvīds, B., Benedek, K., Bevk, D., Jojczyk, A., Krištín, A., Růžičková, J., Jelaska, L. S., Veromann, E., Vilumets, S., Fetykó, K. G., Szövényi, G., & Pozsgai, G. (2024). Improving biodiversity in Central and Eastern European (CEE) domestic gardens needs regionally scaled strategies. ENTO24, online.
Varga-Szilay, Z., Szövényi, G., & Pozsgai, G. (2024). Buzzing under pressure: Investigating the effects of anthropogenic disturbance on the intraspecific behaviour of Bombus terrestris with computer vision-based application. 10th Congress of Apidology (EurBee), Tallinn, Estonia.
Varga-Szilay, Z., Szövényi, G., & Pozsgai, G. (2024). Detecting differences in foraging behaviour of Bombus terrestris on three plant species using computer vision-based methods. AI in Entomology (Royal Entomological Society).
Varga-Szilay, Z., Benedek, K., Fetykó, K. G., Szövényi, G., & Pozsgai, G. (2024). Home gardening duality: Pollinator-friendly practices amidst widespread pesticide use. 24. Kolozsvári Biológus Napok.
Varga-Szilay, Z., Szövényi, G., & Pozsgai, G. (2024). Buzz amidst noise: Investigating the anthropogenic noise on bumblebee-mediated pollination. 24. Kolozsvári Biológus Napok.
Varga-Szilay, Z., Fetykó, K. G., Szövényi, G., & Pozsgai, G. (2024). Gardening for pollinators? Unveiling garden owners’ awareness and their pollinator-friendly practices. Royal Entomological Society (RES) Student Forum 2024, online.
Varga-Szilay, Z., & Pozsgai, G. (2023). Flower visitation through the lens: exploring bumblebees’ behaviour with computer vision-based application. XII European Congress of Entomology, Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
Varga-Szilay, Z., & Pozsgai, G. (2022). Data digging from photographs of Paraguayan moths (Lepidoptera) using deep-learning-based object detection. 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC 2022), Columbia, Cartagena.
Varga-Szilay, Z. (2021). Safe heavens or poisonous traps: pesticide use in bee-friendly gardens. Royal Entomological Society (ENTO’21), online.
Varga-Szilay, Z. (2021). Kerti poszméhlegelők [Bumblebeefriendly-gardens]. 879th meeting of the Hungarian Entomological Society, Budapest, Hungary.

Book reviews

Varga-Szilay, Z. (2023). Peter Kevan and D. Susan Willis Chan (Eds): Promoting pollination and pollinators in farming. Community Ecology.
Varga-Szilay, Z. (2022). Jeff Ollerton: Pollinators & pollination: nature and society. Community Ecology.

Magazine articles

Varga-Szilay, Z. (2021). Fókuszban az érzékeny poszméhek – A peszticidek rejtett hatásai [Focus on vulnerable bumblebees – The hidden effects of pesticides]. TermészetBúvár, 3, 116–120.
Varga-Szilay, Z. (2021). Növényeink nélkülözhetetlen beporzói – A poszméhkolóniák [Indispensable pollinators of our plants – The bumblebee colonies]. Természet Világa, 4, 9–11.
Varga-Szilay, Z. (2021). Veszélyek a kolónián kívül-belül – A poszméhek ellenségei: a viaszmolytól a gyurgyalagig [Threats from inside and outside of the colony – Bumblebees’ enemies: from wax moths to bee-eaters]. Természet Világa, 10, 434–438.