Rave Terceira 2024 Matela

It was a great honor for me to receive certificates for two of my submissions in the Rave Terceira 2024 – Matela photo competition organized by the Azorean Biodiversity Group. My photo, titled ‘So close, and so far away at the same time‘ received first place (1° Prémio Presenca Humana) in the “Human Presence” category. Moreover, another of my photos, titled ‘Butterfly effect’ was recognized as noteworthy (Menções Honrosa Presença Humana) in the same category.

Prémio presença humana
So close, and so far away at the same time.
Mencoes Honrosas: Presenca humana
Butterfly effect

So close, and so far away at the same time (Tão perto e, no entanto, tão longe)

In Matela, the sky feels almost within reach, yet it remains distant. People, too, seem distant… drifting farther away from nature, like the ripples spreading apart on the water’s surface, stirred by falling leaves in puddles.

Butterfly effect (Efeito Borboleta)

A lone footprint in the mud symbolizes the cascading impacts of humans on natural ecosystems.

Certificado Rave Terceira 2024 Matela
Certificado Rave Terceira 2024 Matela